In this chapter, we'll learn how to manage different configurations for our applications (locally and in production).
Environment variables
The best way to configure an application on Heroku is to use environment variables. It's a key value storage managed by the system that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer.
Exemple of an env variable:
You can list all current environment variables using the command env
Heroku defines by default 2 environement variables:
which equals the port our application should be running on.DYNO
which gives you a id/name for the current process dyno.
With Node.js
In Node.js, it's really easy to read environment variable, the varibale process.env
is an object containing all current env variables.
We already used it to start our application on the right port: var port = Number(process.env.PORT || 5000);
Notice that environment variables are always string.
Modifying our application
We are going to change our application to show a message instead of "Hello World" that will be stored in a en environment variables.
Edit the main.js file to change the app.get
If you run the application using foreman start
and access http://localhost:5000
, you'll see : Default message!
But you can test changing the value of MESSAGE in your terminal and running the application with:
Storing a fixed configuration for foreman
You don't want to define using export
our all configuration each time you want to start working on your application!
So we need to store our configuration in a file. By default foreman use a file named .env
but we are going to use this file for your production configuration.
So we'll store our configuration in a file named .env.local
And we need to update foreman configuration by writting the file .foreman
You can then test using foreman start
and see teh output: Hello from the local version
Deployment of a production configuration
We are going to store our production configuration in a file named .env
Then we need to commit all these changes and deploy the last update of our code to Heroku:
But if you take a look at your application (using heroku open
), you can see that the message is still "Default message!". It's because we didn't pushed your configuration to heroku yet.
For this we are going to use the plugin heroku-config, install it using:
And then we can push our all configuration using:
Now take a look at your application and you'll see "Hello from the production version".
Managing Heroku configuration by hand
I want to...
List all my configuraton
heroku config
Get a variable value
heroku config:get MESSAGE
Set a variable value
heroku config:set MESSAGE=Test
Delete a variable
heroku config:unset MESSAGE
And with the plugin heroku-config:
I want to...
Push my .env to heroku
heroku config:push
Update my .env with my heroku config
heroku config:pull
Rewrite my .env with my heroku config
heroku config:pull --overwrite
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