Getting started


Blini is an npm module, so to install it you do:

$ npm install Blini --save


Once you've install it, you'll need to import it.

import { Schema, Model, Validation, Type, Connection } from 'Blini'

Create a connection to MongoDB

The first step

In addition to loading the module, you need to give Blini a connection to work with. Without it, Blini can't access the database.

The connection doesn't require to be initialized, it'll be established as soon as database operations are required.

const connection = new Connection('mongodb://localhost:27017/myproject');

Create a schema

A schema describe the structure of the documents. It is basically a map of field name to Type.

const userSchema = new Schema({
    username: Type.String({
        validation: [
            Validation.minLength(3, 'Username should be 3 characters min'),
            Validation.maxLength(30, 'Username should be 40 characters max')
        index: {
            unique: true
    books: Type.Set(Type.Ref('Book'), {
        validations: [

Follow the "Create a Schema" guide to get more insight on how schemas work.

Create a new document model

Once the data schema is defined, the next step is to create the model which store operations around the database for a schema.

class User extends Model(userSchema, connection, 'User') {
    static getByUsername(username) {
        return this
                username: username

Create new documents

Using the document model, we can initialize new document instances and populate the database:

let user = new User({
    username: 'JohnDoe'
    .then(function(savedUser) {

Query the collection

Querying documents from the database and update it:

User.findOne({ username: 'JohnDoe' })
    .then(function(user) {
        const modified = user.merge({
            username: "John"


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